Dela Mantra”, in the sense of the word, means the repetition of the complete or satisfied and that is exactly what it is. I try to find certainty and satisfaction in the message. I try that every phrase has substance and that what I write always has meaning/direction/purpose and love, always love. Partly it is to value it and in general, it´s because is the absolute truth and it is never enough to repeat it because the world and the feeling ask for it. Give to receive.
“I have an Instagram profile ( @Delamantra) where I publish my poems complemented by a video, all recorded and produced by me with my friend´s/local artists help and you can see too the poetry events that I usually go to. My medium-long term goal is to launch a collection of my poems and in the journey towards that, see how far my word and voice leads me.”
The poem is called EarthFucker. I got the inspiration to write it after I saw a documentary about climate change and while having a trip on mines and other people´s steps on Earth. I realized that I'm a hypocrite because I don't do enough, I´m part of the problem as much as the others. But changes come with smalls but sustainable steps.