How can we define aesthetics scientifically & what is the relation between multisensory experiences and sound?


WE will link aesthetic and abstract concepts with science-based theory and combine multiple senses with sound.


Art and science are often mistakenly viewed as incompatible so the goal is to demonstrate that they are in fact dependent on each other.

Multiple exhibitions will take place, combining sound with other artforms while using ground-breaking technology, alongside Q&A sessions from featured artists. We will also host lectures and workshops focussing on how music and art are perceived by the brain; looking over the basic neural constraints of the brain, as well as more complex factors such as the consequences of life experiences and cultural influences.

Furthermore, there will be diverse concerts, performances, installations and visual arts from emerging and established talent.

Overall, this will be an interactive part of the festival with a broad target audience; most notably consisting of people looking for exciting experiences. it is also aimed at musicians and other artists, who will also be interested in abstract ideas as well as discovering concrete evidence behind the art concepts that they already know.