sub_bar @ Repeat Berlin
5:00 PM17:00

sub_bar @ Repeat Berlin

Sub_Bar returns to Berlin with an immersive day at Repeat Bar, in the center of Kreuzberg. After creating events in Köln, Lisbon, Leipzig and Porto, we are back with our pioneering concept around subfrequencies and haptic art, a language that allows deaf, hearing impaired and hearing people to experience music in the same way, this time showcasing more and new works from artists such as Ümit Han (Traum Records), Alexander Tillegreen (Raster Media), Akka Miau (Female:Pressure), Alejandro Mosso (Sushitech), Julia Lema (ESA-Aix) and many more.

Ignored by compositional practices, our sense of "touch" is home to our most profound memories and most instinctive reactions, talking a language of pain and pleasure, traumas and comfort, summer and winter. What happens when we stimulate it with music? We invited hearing, hearing impaired, and deaf artists to create original works using only subfrequencies, more specifically, frequencies between 30hz and 150hz: their compositions will be played through a powerful subwoofer system, transforming Kunstbar into a musical pressure room, for a unique listening experience that activates the whole body.

Expect an immersive, challenging, and inclusive experience while subfrequencies pass through your body and invite your focus to go deep down, where you hardly ever went, lead by the artistic excellence of our artists (in alphabetic order):

Akka Miau (Female: Pressure)
Alejandro Mosso (Sushitech)
Alexander Tillegreen (Raster Media)
Bilwa (Un/natural fields)
Bocu (Maturre)
Byetone (Raster Media)
Carincur (Zabra)
Doron Sadja (12k)
Grischa Lichtenberger (Raster Media)
John Kameel Farah (Neue Meister)
Juan Orjuela (Vectronom)
Julia Lema (ESA-Aix)
Martine-Nicole Rojina (Mpathy Studio)
Myles de Bastion (Cymaspace)
Nuances d'Engrais (Multipolar)
Pawel Janicki (WRO Center for Media Art)
Peter Kirn (CDM)
Sebastien Branche (Relentless)
Sofia Balbontin (Espacios Resonantes)
Stefanie Egedy (MONOM)
Troi Lee (Deaf Rave)
Christian Duka (Amoenus)
Umit Han (Traum)
Vicente (Mazarin)
Weselle (Music for Comfortable Spaces)

Hearing protection will be available at the door.

From 17:00 to 22:00
Entrance fee: 5€

Sub_Bar is kindly supported by Musikfonds, Fonds Soziokultur, RCF & Ableton.

About Eufonia:
Eufonia is an interdisciplinary platform that explores the relationship between art, science, and culture through the medium of sound. We believe that curiosity, creativity, and dialogue are necessary for artistic, scientific, and social development. We explore the use of sound in various aspects of daily life and create unique and engaging opportunities for people to meet. In doing so, we are motivated by the beauty of sharing knowledge across geographic, academic, and cultural boundaries.

Follow us on IG @subbar.eufonia and @eufonia.festival

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sub_bar workshop @ Berlino Magazine Deutsch
to Oct 12

sub_bar workshop @ Berlino Magazine Deutsch

Wir glauben, dass Musikmachen eine Aktivität ist, die jeder Mensch gleichermaßen genießen sollte. Warum dabei also nicht tiefe Frequenzen nutzen, bei denen die Schwingungen der Musik direkt zu unserem Körper sprechen?

Dieser Workshop richtet sich an alle Gehörlosen und Schwerhörigen, die lernen möchten
+ Wie man mit Software und Hardware Klänge erzeugt und sequenziert
+ Wie man das Spektrum der tiefen Frequenzen mit dem eigenen Körper erforscht
+ Wie wir unsere Ideen in Musik umsetzen können
+ Wie man taktile Instrumente baut (um zu Hause zu spielen)

Diese Veranstaltung ist für Menschen ab 16 Jahren geeignet und erfordert keine Vorkenntnisse.

Ein:e deutsche Gebärdensprachdolmetscher:in wird den Workshop begleiten. Der Workshop dauert insgesamt 4 Stunden und bietet freien Zugang zu unserer Hauptveranstaltung am Sonntag, den 16. Mai:

11. und 12. Oktober von 19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr@ Berlino Schule


Der Workshop wird mit taktilen Geräten durchgeführt, die in der Lage sind, niedrige Schwingungen durch den Körper zu übertragen. Wir werden die grundlegenden Elemente der Musik und die Hauptfunktionen der Software Ableton LIVE besprechen. Wir werden lernen, wie man Klänge in den tiefen Frequenzen erzeugt und Musik auf intuitive und einfache Weise kreiert, indem man den eigenen Körper als Hörmedium benutzt.

Bitte bringen Sie Ihren Laptop mit und installieren Sie vorab Ableton auf diesem: die Software ist für die ersten 90 Tage kostenlos und Sie können eine Kopie von herunterladen.


Sub_Bar ist ein Projekt von Eufonia = Sound / Art + Science.

Es wird freundlicherweise unterstützt von Musikfonds, Fonds Soziokultur und Ableton.

Folgen Sie uns auf IG @subbar.eufonia und


English Version

We think that music should be an exercise, and a chance for everybody to enjoy. So why not look for it, in the low frequencies, where the vibrations speak directly to our body?

This workshop is addressed to any deaf or hard of hearing person that would like to learn

+ How to create and sequence sound using software and hardware
+ How to explore the low frequencies spectrum through your body
+ How to organize our ideas into music
+ How to build your DIY tactile devices (so you can play at home)

This event is suitable for people from 16 years old and doesn’t require any previous experience. A german sign language translator will be available to facilitate the workshop. The workshop lasts 4 hours in total, and gives free access to our main event on Sunday 16th :

Oct 11tth & 12th from 19:00 to 21:00
@ Berlino Schule


The workshop will be done using tactile devices that are able to transfer low vibration through the body. We’ll go over the basic elements of music, the main function of the software Ableton LIVE and we’ll learn how to create and manipulate sound in the low frequencies, creating music in an intuitive and simple way, using our body as listening medium.

Please bring your laptop and install Ableton beforehand: the software is free for the first 90 days, and you can download a copy from

Sub_Bar is a project by Eufonia = Sound / Art + Science.
It is kindly supported by Musikfonds, Fonds Soziokultur and Ableton.
Follow us on IG and @eufonia.festival

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sub_bar @ Kunstbar Köln
to Oct 15

sub_bar @ Kunstbar Köln

Sub_Bar returns to Koln for a 4 days event at the fabulous Kunstbar. After creating events in Berlin, Lisbon, Leipzig and Porto, we are back with our pioneering concept around subfrequencies and haptic art, a language that allows deaf, hearing impaired and hearing people to experience music in the same way, this time showcasing more and new works from artists such as Ümit Han (Traum Records), Alexander Tillegreen (Raster Media), Akka Miau (Female:Pressure), Alejandro Mosso (Sushitech), Julia Lema (ESA-Aix) and many more.

Ignored by compositional practices, our sense of "touch" is home to our most profound memories and most instinctive reactions, talking a language of pain and pleasure, traumas and comfort, summer and winter. What happens when we stimulate it with music? We invited hearing, hearing impaired, and deaf artists to create original works using only subfrequencies, more specifically, frequencies between 30hz and 150hz: their compositions will be played through a powerful subwoofer system, transforming Kunstbar into a musical pressure room, for a unique listening experience that activates the whole body.

Expect an immersive, challenging, and inclusive experience while subfrequencies pass through your body and invite your focus to go deep down, where you hardly ever went, lead by the artistic excellence of our artists (in alphabetic order):

Akka Miau (Female: Pressure)
Alejandro Mosso (Sushitech)
Alexander Tillegreen (Raster Media)
Bilwa (Un/natural fields)
Bocu (Maturre)
Byetone (Raster Media)
Carincur (Zabra)
Doron Sadja (12k)
Grischa Lichtenberger (Raster Media)
John Kameel Farah (Neue Meister)
Juan Orjuela (Vectronom)
Julia Lema (ESA-Aix)
Martine-Nicole Rojina (Mpathy Studio)
Myles de Bastion (Cymaspace)
Nuances d'Engrais (Multipolar)
Pawel Janicki (WRO Center for Media Art)
Peter Kirn (CDM)
Sebastien Branche (Relentless)
Sofia Balbontin (Espacio Resonantes)
Stefanie Egedy (MONOM)
Troi Lee (Deaf Rave)
Christian Duka (Amoenus)
Umit Han (Traum)
Vicente (Mazarin)
Weselle (Music for Comfortable Spaces)

Hearing protection will be available at the door.


10th, 11th, 14th, 15th of October
From 17:00 to 21:00

Entrance fee: 5€


Sub_Bar is kindly supported by Musikfonds, Fonds Soziokultur, RCF & Ableton.

About Eufonia:
Eufonia is an interdisciplinary platform that explores the relationship between art, science, and culture through the medium of sound. We believe that curiosity, creativity, and dialogue are necessary for artistic, scientific, and social development. We explore the use of sound in various aspects of daily life and create unique and engaging opportunities for people to meet. In doing so, we are motivated by the beauty of sharing knowledge across geographic, academic, and cultural boundaries.

Follow us on IG @subbar.eufonia and @eufonia.festival

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sub_bar workshop @ Berlino Magazine
to Oct 7

sub_bar workshop @ Berlino Magazine

We think that music should be an exercise, and a chance for everybody to enjoy. That's why we created Sub_Bar, a music environment based on subfrequencies instead of sound, so we can share a music experience together with deaf communities. Once we abandoned sound, we discovered that music was much more than what we first thought: using subfrequencies we can create different kind of emotions, sensations, and mind states. Sub_Bar is now present in Germany and Portugal, and will soon start its journey in Italy and Poland, before appearing on various festivals worldwide from next year.

This workshop is addressed to everybody that would like to learn

+ How to create and sequence sound using software and hardware

+ How to explore the low frequencies spectrum through your body

+ How to organize our ideas into music

+ How to build your DIY tactile devices (so you can play at home)

This event is suitable for people from 16 years old and doesn’t require any previous experience. The whole course lasts 4 hours and give free entry to our main event:

Oct 6th & 7th from 19:00 to 21:30

@ Berlino Schule, Gryphiusstraße 23, 10245 Berlin, Germany

Ticket price: 70€


The workshop will be done using tactile devices that are able to transfer low vibration through the body. We’ll go over the basic elements of music, the main function of the software Ableton LIVE and we’ll learn how to create and manipulate sound in the low frequencies, creating music in an intuitive and simple way, using our body as listening medium.

Please bring your laptop and install Ableton beforehand: the software is free for the first 90 days, and you can download a copy from

Sub_Bar is a project by Eufonia = Sound / Art + Science.

It is kindly supported by Musikfonds, Fonds Soziokultur and Ableton.

Follow us on IG and @eufonia.festival

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